βœ…Art to Physical Products

Introducing NFT Backed POD-Print-ON-Demand merchandise. (STILL IN DEVELOPMENT)

With the creative potential of artificial intelligence (AI) to create unique digital artwork. By using a user’s text input from their imagination, Midway’s AI image generation bot can generate art from the user’s description. This art can then be converted into a non-fungible token (NFT) and minted onto the user’s wallet. Once minted, the user can use the NFT to generate print-on-demand merchandise such as clothing, hoodies, and bags. These products can be sold to buyers as physical ownership of the NFT in the product form of their choice.

Midway Users can create and showcase their own NFT blockchain-backed, print-on-demand physical products. And with the ability to list and sell their NFT POD physical products on the Midway marketplace, or on other third-party marketplaces, users can turn their artwork into profitable investments.


Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are a type of digital asset that is stored on the blockchain and are unique in that they cannot be exchanged, traded, or substituted for one another. This makes them extremely valuable, as they represent a tangible asset that cannot be replicated. NFTs are becoming increasingly popular due to their ability to represent digital artwork, music, and other digital assets. The use of NFTs is growing, and the potential for them to become a mainstream means of ownership for digital assets is becoming increasingly evident.

The concept of print-on-demand (POD) has been around for some time and is becoming increasingly popular due to its convenience and affordability. POD merchandise is created on demand and shipped directly to the customer, eliminating the need for large inventory investments and storage. This makes it an ideal platform for selling digital artwork and other digital assets.

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